Shane Wright Captain Canada!

Its time for Shane Wright to make a statement to the hockey world and show what he can provide to a team with his highly touted game, after what he would say was a disappointing draft. Going fourth overall to the Seattle Kraken.

It’s been a rather shaky start to the year so far after making his NHL club out of camp. Only to have played a total of 9 games for the Kraken putting up 1 goal and 1 assist. Being in and out of the line up Shane then was sent down to the AHL for a 5 game conditioning stint putting up 4 goals.

After the quick conditioning stint Shane played in one game for the Kraken before being sent to the World Junior team camp for Canada. Shane will look to showcase his skills and prove his leadership qualities after being named team captain to the team! “Anytime you can come to a Team Canada event to represent your country, it's not something you can pass up really”

After being cut in 2021 as a 16 year old, he then made the team in 2022 and that tournament ended up cancelled after two games to be played in the summer. At the time the tournament was being played in the summer Shane had already been drafted by Seattle and committing his summer to training to make the big club and not appearing in the tournament. This time around will be his first real chance to show the hockey world his capabilities.

The tournament starts on December 26th with Canada playing vs. Czechia.